Health Awareness Campaign

Report on Vaccination Drive at Shanti Asiatic School, Ahmedabad.

Shanti Asiatic School, Ahmedabad, have been organising COVID-19 Vaccination Drives for its staff and students (those completing 18 years of age ) in the school campus.

A well equipped and experienced team from Urban Centre (AMC) handle the vaccination process. The vaccination drives are carried out in a very smooth manner.

The arrangements in the school campus are made as per the Guidelines issued by Government of Gujarat. The vaccination rooms are prepared accordingly and separate waiting rooms are arranged for the vaccinated persons to relax after taking the vaccination jab.

The objective of this camp was to help the school staff and eligible students getting vaccinated and to contribute towards a social cause at large.

Vector Borne Diseases

“Good health and awareness are two life’s greatest blessings ”

Creating a health awareness campaign is an effective way to prevent the spread of diseases affecting your community. SAS contributes towards on awareness raising and sensitizing. To meet the objective of combating the deadly disease Dengue, various activities were conducted in the School which spread the right message to the community and was the collaborative approach towards Healthy Ahmedabad.

The aim of these activities was to improve health and understanding, with the hope that this will result in more awareness about diseases like Dengue, Malaria, Chikungunya etc. The badge of “Together We Can” were distributed among the students and then it became the part of uniform. This will develop the sense of responsibility among the students to move a step towards “Behtar Ahmedabad”.

Assemblies were presented by the students which focussed on various steps towards precaution and cure of diseases caused by Mosquitos. It also threw light on symptoms, preventive and remedial measures of Dengue, thereby encouraging the students to spread awareness about the disease among the masses.

In line with this health drive, a rally on ‘Health Awareness’ was organised by the students of Grade V ( Ashoka and Vivekanand ).

The students enthusiastically participated and had a thrilling and exciting learning experience. They promised to follow and spread the word to their family, friends and relatives. This rally turned out to be a great success.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)